GEt a healthy glow at any age

Your Facial and Body Day Spa in Holliston, MA

Alicia Nichols
Owner and Licensed Aesthetician
You deserve to have beautiful, rejuvenated skin, regardless of the season of life you are in.
No more wasting money “trying out” beauty products!

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the countless skincare options available today? Have you ever invested in the latest social media skincare trend, only to find that the expensive product didn’t work for you or even irritated your skin? We understand your frustration!

At Purely You Aesthetic Boutique, our licensed aesthetic professionals help you select the right skincare products and in-spa treatments tailored to your skin health. We take the time to understand your skin’s unique needs and determine which ingredients will best help you achieve your goals. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, so we encourage you to book a complimentary skincare consultation with one of our providers. Our consultations are pressure-free appointments where you can bring your current products for us to review together.

At our face and body spa, we’ll create a customized combination that suits your skin and lifestyle. We are trained to recognize when you may have too much of one product or not enough of another. Sometimes, even a tiny adjustment can lead to beautiful results.


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