Spa Specials & EVENTS

Spa Specials

ProCell Winter Skin Revival Package

Skin Revival Package Price: $2284  Savings: $940

6 Full-face ProCell Treatments Reg. $2550. Price: $2040

4 Product HealthySkin Kit Reg. $488. Price: $244

– Retinol Repair Serum 5X
– Discoloration Defense Serum
– CE Antioxidant Serum, Fractionated
– Hyaluranic Acid Hydrating Serum

1 FREE Customized Glo2 Facial. Reg $185. Price $0

Offer ends February 28th

What is ProCell Microchanneling?

ProCell Microchanneling uses microfilaments to penetrate upper layers of skin, creating hundreds of thousands of microchannels that stimulate your body’s natural healing process, encouraging cell turnover and collagen production.  The result is thicker, firmer, more resilient skin over time.

What can ProCell Microchanneling treat?

ProCell Microchanneling can treat the following skin concerns:

– Fine lines and wrinkles
– Acne scarring
– Sun damage
– Discoloration
– Loose skin
– Stretch marks and scars

Call to schedule your complimentary ProCell Consultation.

T: (774) 233-6005

tuesday winter wax deal

Savings: 15% Off All Waxing on Tuesdays with Taylor! 


Upper/Lower Back
Upper Chest/Brow

Valid Tuesdays Only. Cannot be combined with any other offer or coupon. We kindly ask you to stick to the rules. No negotiating discount for a different day. 

Offer ends February 28th